Search Engine Optimization

Getting visitors to your site, the “natural” way

Every business owner’s goal should be to increase web traffic to their company website. Google, the most prominent player in the search engine market, is at the top of the priority list but Yahoo and Bing (the revamped Microsoft search engine) should not be overlooked.

Google was not the first search engine, but it has become the most relevant because of the way it processes and provides information to searchers. It automatically looks for sites that are not just receiving a lot of traffic, but also sites that are linked on many other sites. If lots of other people think your site is important and relevant enough to link to, that is an advantage with Google search. Google also likes sites that are active and ever-changing. An often updated site is a great Web 2.0 tool to accomplish that.

Read also “Search engine optimization – the importance of being listed on Google’s first page”

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